Matching Your Message
to the Heart of Your Market

Find Out How Easy it is To Get Started!

Soft Topic Copywriting Secrets

Soft Topic Copywriting Secrets, a Soft Sell, SEO Copywriting Course, Dedicated to Your Copywriting Needs and Your Commitment to Integrity-Marketing as an Online Service Provider Is Brought to You by the Authors of the #1 Bestseller "The Heart of Marketing."

Finally, A Breakthrough Copywriting Course Designed to Maximize Your Sales by Showing You How Your Heartfelt, Integrity Marketing Connects Directly and Authentically to Your Customers’ Needs and Desires . . .

So you can

  • Command the attention of your readers and still remain credible
  • Claim top value in your field without being pushy
  • Make sincere promises that do not violate your integrity
  • Create a sense of urgency without hype and phoney gimmicks?
  • Inspire your customers to take the action and you know they need to take
  • Breakthrough your current sales ceiling and enjoy the income that measures the very real value you bring to the world.

You CAN have all that and more with our

Soft Topic Copywriting Secrets Home Study Course

Proven Soft Topic, Soft Sell Copywriting Strategies and Techniques that can . . .

Match Your Message to the Heart of Your Market
And Increase Your Income
And Allow You to Sleep Well Every Night

Judith Sherven & Jim Sniechowski

Learned More In Just the First Couple of Sessions

“Never knew how off-target I was in my sales copy until I took this course with Jim and Judith. I learned more about copywriting for my market in just the first couple of sessions than all those years studying with some of the Internet Gurus.”

MaryJo Wagner,

PhD, Marble, Colorado


Judith & Jim
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Soft Sell Colleague, When is the last time you received a piece of sales copy . . . say, an "urgent" letter in the mail . . . or a "don't miss this" notice through email . . . or a pre-recorded phone pitch . . .

Only to find out it was completely irrelevant to what you do or care about?

What did you do? You probably didn't give it a second chance. Tossed it straight into the round file — or CLICKED delete before even looking — or slammed the phone down with an annoyed CLUNK.

Why? Because there was no match between you and the message. No connection. It was coming at you without being about you.

But imagine the effort, the cash outlay, and the hope spent by the person who sent you the letter — all dashed in a blink when you chucked it, deleted it, or hung up.

That's the last thing you want to happen to your message.

But why wouldn't you throw it away?

We're all so bombarded, pommeled with messages every minute of every day, each one clamoring for us to buy something.

So people have become very skeptical — or they shut down entirely.

You can't blame anyone. We've all thrown out those irrelevant, meaningless messages.

BUT — that's not how you want your readers to respond to your message, to your effort, cash outlay, and hope, all contained in the letter you hoped would connect with those who are looking for what you have to offer.

Because you do have something valuable to offer. A sincere solution to a pressing problem. The answer to a nagging desire.

So . . . how do you prevent from being ignored? How do you stand out?

Through your copy . . . clear, straight forward, and to the point.

You rouse your reader's imagination to see the power and the promise of what you offer

. . . And move them to take action . . . the action you want them to take . . . the solution they know they need to take . . . and take the action your copy guides them to take.

Infuse Your Copy with Power

"I've headed up direct mail for J. Walter Thompson (New York City) and The New York Times Corporation, and run my own direct marketing agency. I've won just about every honor and award there is in the industry. It's almost impossible to teach the nuances of copywriting genius. I say "almost" because Jim and Judith do it! They are wonders at showing you how to infuse your copy with magical selling power. "

Art Klein, Direct Marketer,

Catskill, NY

I want that Magic

So Why The Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course?

Because — you market your products and services online (maybe offline as well) there's a crucial difference between what marketers refer to as "soft" and "hard" topics.

Most hard topic internet marketers focus on the money-making process . . .

— They promote packages that teach ways to promote
— They market products that lay out techniques for how to marketB
— They sell programs for how to sell

And they are very good . . . for the most part.

But their focus is strictly on the process of making money . . . return on investment (ROI).

Will that work for you, when your specialty has to do with communication skills, health and nutrition, emotional intimacy, or any of the other human wants and needs?

The answer is No.

Because your customer is looking for more than just a return on money spent.

Your customer wants what we call ROE . . .

Return On Experience!

Your customer wants to change their life . . . to create a new way of being.

That's what's most important.

Hard topic copy is brilliant for what it does, but it goes against the tone and feel of who you are and what you have to offer.

Think about it. You can't offer self-improvement, health care, love and intimacy, spiritual coaching or even financial planning like you'd sell a set of tires.

That's why there's a heart-felt and bottom-line-need for The Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course.

So you can provide good nutrition, enlightened parenting, self-development, or any of the ROE solutions that people Need, Want, and are Willing to Pay For in a voice that matches who you are and what you do.. . . to the community of customers who've looked everywhere, are not satisfied, and are eager to do business with you.

Getting Clear About Your Message

“Before this we were wandering around in this jungle of copywriting advice feeling hopeless about ever finding the information we needed. We struggled to model and use the information but never very successfully. After taking this course we're not only well on our way to having a sales letter that speaks to the heart of our market, but as a surprise bonus we got clearer about our message and discovered a whole new market we wanted to serve.”

Beth Banning and Neill Gibson,

San Diego, CA


Thank you

What Do You Have to Lose If You Don't Take Advantage of This Opportunity?

The truth is . . . a lot!

  • Sales, for one . . . When people aren't buying what you have to offer . . . your copy doesn't touch their hearts;
  • Two . . . You're stuck with the frustration of having a product that gets results . . . but your readers aren't getting your message;
  • Three . . . You lose the chance to really help people . . .which is not something you want to drizzle away because of copy that's not doing its job;
  • Four . . . You miss out on the real pleasure of sending out copy that pulls . . .instead of wasting time struggling to figure out what works;

You certainly can't be faulted. You've done the best you know how.

But, bottom line . . . your copy isn't working . . . at least not yet.

What Do You Have To Gain?

We'll say it again . . .

Techniques that show you how to Match Your Message to the Heart of Your Market . . .

Drawing customers To

  • Trust You
  • Buy From You (Again and Again), and
  • Spread The Word


Because, as you help them change their lives, you give them what they REALLY want . . .

ROE . . . Return On Experience.

When you take our Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course you'll discover:

How To:

  • Transform the non-tangible benefits of your products and services into clear, concrete, credible images that reach right into your customer's mind and heart
  • Identify the core of your offer, understand it inside and out, and position yourself in your market to be clearly identifiable to those who are looking for you
  • Unearth the specific emotional needs of your readers without guessing even if you've never done any formal market research
  • Trust your copy to create your customer's trust
  • Avoid over-promising without under-valuing your message as you portray in words the true worth of who you are and what you offer
  • Stop from falling into the most deadly trap of all soft sell traps — copy that's trite or overly sentimental
  • If you're new to copywriting, we'll give you a rock solid foundation to know what works and what doesn't so you can count on your own judgment to deliver the copy you want
  • If you're an experienced copywriter you'll learn a point of view, specific techniques, and style and voice that will open you to writing for the soft sell/soft topic markets
  • Many marketers stay out of the soft sell markets convinced — "There's no money in those pockets" — so your advantage is rich and deep when you know how to reach soft sell customers — and they're waiting to be reached
What More Do You Have To Gain?
  • Breakthrough the dilemma of conflicting intentions — your desire to expand your business . . . struggling against your resistance to promoting and selling your products and services
  • Confidently get your message through the noise of the market with integrity, transparency and commitment in each and every piece of copy you write or have someone write for you
  • Turn the skeptic who thinks you're just trying to sell your wares into a believer who becomes a wellspring of referrals helping you build your list and build your business
  • Don't be fooled by the typical internet sales letter that is destined to steer you away from finding and keeping the kind of customers you want to attract
  • Grasp the power of enticing subject lines to ensure your email is opened
  • Create soft but powerful hooks that reach right into the imagination of your readers engaging them in the story of your offer
  • Know when your copy is ready so you don't keep tweaking and tweaking until copywriting becomes a burden and a bore or you lose your confidence and stop writing altogether
And You're Guaranteed to Learn . . .
  • The components of a strong soft topic headline because a headline does more than just get attention
  • The essential section-by-section elements of a successful sales letter to focus your thinking and direct your readers' imagination toward exactly what you want them to read
  • The elements of your call-to-action which is what your copy is written to accomplish, leading your reader to take the action that will solve the problem they are looking to solve
  • The biggest mistake that soft topic copywriters make
  • The 5 key areas in which soft copywriting differs from hard topic copywriting
  • Why it's important to have your own story about the product
  • The ONE thing you must do when beginning to write copy for your market
  • How to overcome writer's block

What Happens If You Don't Study Soft Topic Copywriting?

That's not difficult to answer.

You'll end up with pretty much the same hard sell stuff as what's out there.

No doubt some experienced hard topic copywriter can produce copy that sells. But the danger is not in the selling, it's whether or not you're creating and maintaining a long term relationship with your customers — while maintaining your own sense of integrity.

Because the connection — the deep loyalty you need to keep your customers returning — is not made through bargain prices (there's always somebody with a better price), or faster shipping (which is rarely necessary), or outrageous bonuses (in some cases totaling thousands of dollars for a product selling for less than one-hundred dollars).

You create deep loyalty through the mind-to-mind, heart-to-heart connection . . . so your customers know . . . really know . . .

1You understand them

1You've been where they are

1You really care about their well-being

1You'll be there for them . . . long term.

That's why the emotional quality of your copy has to match the tone and feel of what you do . . . so you can be sure your copy is not just a one-hit sales message, but a strategy that builds your business long-term.

Why Should You Trust Us?

Rather than tell you our story . . . we'll let a few of our Soft Topic Copywriting students speak for us:

They've Got It Nailed

“Hard sell copywriting cannot work well when you want to connect with people on a heart-to-heart level and build genuine trust and a long term relationship. Judith and Jim have this approach nailed — using a combination of empathic writing and powerful marketing techniques. Anyone who offers a product or service in the soft sell field absolutely must get this course! "

Jessica LaRock,

MBA, Pleasant Valley, NY

Understanding the secrets of Soft Topic Copywriting gives you the confidence to promote and market your product or program with ease.

With Great Integrity and Without Hype

"Judith and Jim are masters at taking ineffective copy and transforming it into credible, compelling communication. They have suggested so many subtle changes I never would have thought of. And they do it all with great integrity and without hype. They are a treasure. "

Dan Grandstaff,

MSW, MDiv, Chapel Hill, NC

Knowing good copy from bad and the techniques that make it so will help you discover your own voice and sell what you have to offer.

I Just Thought It Was Part of Me

“The copywriting concepts I learned were so ingrained in me (in such a short time) that I found myself critiquing a friend's website based on what Judith and Jim taught me. That friend had taken their course and remarked "I see you've learned a lot from them." I was astonished by this. I just thought it was part of me. And it was . . . but thanks to them. "

Terrie Wurzbacher,

D.O., San Antonio, TX

Copy structure and copy techniques are the heart and soul of good writing. Applying them turns a collection of words into a persuasive and profitable connection.


"You two are fantastic at opening up a piece of sales copy, explaining the details of why each line of copy does or doesn't work to draw the reader in. We really got to appreciate the flow of well written copy and better understand how to utilize the techniques for our own use. We were spellbound by your insights. "

Lori & Jeff Wark,

Baltimore, MD

Just like a good movie, when copy touches the emotions of your reader they will flow with the story and enter into it on their own . . . open and unresistant.

This is What I've Been Looking For

What and How . . .


The Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course consists of SEVEN 2 Hour Modules — 14 Hours of immediately usable copywriting techniques supported by an in-depth grasp of the soft sell mindset — the basis for Matching Your Message to the Heart of Your Market.

The 7-module curriculum is:

Module 1: – Mind Management: Yours and Your Reader's

1Five questions you must answer before you write a word
1What does your reader REALLY want?
1Features and benefits and the difference between them
1The hook and how to identify it

Module 2 – The Headline: Like a Stop Sign

1What's your story?
1The purpose of your headline
1Core building blocks of your headline
1Tearing headlines down and putting them back together – only better

Module 3 - Body Copy: Structure

1The overall structure of your sales letter
1Examples of different approaches to copy structure
1Four questions readers need answered
1Beats: from sub-head to sub-head

Module 4 - Body Copy: Persuasion

1Five elements of effective persuasion
1Writing in compelling chunks
1Bullet points
1What to do to inspire action

Module 5 - Email: To Sound Spontaneous

1Your point of focus
1Writing from the heart
1Inspiring your reader to take action
1The power of autoresponders

Module 6 - Subject Line: A Knock at the Door

1The facets and angles of your message
1How long should a subject line be?
1How a subject line does what it does
1Conceptual vs emotional subject lines – and how they are different

Module 7 - Unseen Influence: 7 Psychological Triggers

1Searching for patterns
1Simple rules of thumb
1The central route vs the peripheral route
1Shortcuts and stereotypes


When you our purchase Soft Topic Copywriting Secrets Home Study Course you will immediately receive, in your email in-box, the links to download the audio and transcript of each module.

And You'll Get A Whole Bunch of Bonuses

1You will get immediate access to the MP3 downloads of TWO OF OUR MOST POPULAR TELESEMINARS:

  • Overcoming Negative Head Talk: to help you take charge of those critical voices in your head.
  • Breaking Through Resistance: to remove the blocks that hold you back.

The Bonus MP3 downloads of these teleseminars are designed to help you FREE yourself from the INTERNAL holdbacks that may be limiting your sales progress.

1Alex Mandossian gave us the privilege of conducting TELESEMINAR SECRETS COACHING CLASSES with some of his new students. You get our MP3 downloads of those eight sessions to add to your internet marketing library.
And you'll also receive:
1 A Glossary of Internet Marketing Terms
1The Art of Effective Testimonials
1Creating Powerful Bullet Points
1Autoresponder Secrets Parts 1 & 2
1 Our Exclusive Soft Sell Resource List
1Alex Mandossian's 7-Step Action Plan
1 Ellen Violette's "About Writing"
To recap, when you register you'll get access to:








SOFT SELL RESOURCE LISTActual Value: Incalculable



What About a Guarantee?

When you purchase The Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course, you'll get our

Exclusive Two-Tier Guarantee

Here's what our First Tier Guarantee promises:


  • A true understanding of the basics
  • A strategy to analyze what you read to determine why and how it works
  • A rock solid foundation to know what works and what doesn't so you can count on your own judgment to deliver the copy you want
  • The confidence to trust your copy to create your customer's trust
  • Support to help you break through any resistance to selling
  • 21 tips to make your autoresponders work
  • Plus many valuable bonuses.

All you have to do is say Yes!

Now for Your Second Tier Guarantee

You must be completely delighted with your Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course or we will issue a full refund AND you get to keep the bonuses.


Is It a“Cost” or an Investment?

If you're serious about turning your copy into magnetic messages that speak . . . from the heart to the heart . . . and convert your readers into customers . . .

Then the last thing you should do is think in terms of cost. “Cost” refers to something you purchase once, consume, and it's done with. There's no ongoing return.

Ice cream costs.

A bad movie costs.

Gasoline costs.

Becoming aware of and developing your soft topic copywriting skills, that's an investment, and a tax-deductible investment at that . . .

An investment that empowers your future, an investment earmarked to produce a recurring return, an investment that's actually not spent, because it returns over and over again in the form of financial growth — and a future of your messages not getting round-filed or deleted, but opened and read because they connect.

When you purchase the Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course you'll get techniques you can convert into skills, and, with practice, watch your initial investment multiply as you prove the wisdom of your commitment.

And the investment . . . Only $697

7 Modules – 14 Hours of Immediately Usable Copywriting Techniques
MP3 Downloads of Our Two Mind-Clearing Teleseminars
Teleseminar Secrets Coaching MP3s
New Rules for Soft Sell Marketers
All the Many Bonuses to Focus and Amplify the Course Content
All for Just $697

Instant Increase

“What could be better than not one, but TWO psychologists to analyze the hidden emotional secrets to web copywriting? I learned so much from Judith and Jim that I completely rewrote the copy to our landing page myself, and we instantly increased our click-through-rate! ”

Dr. J. Andrew Colyer,

Rhinebeck, NY

My Search is Over

And Now You've Come to the Time for Decision

You've read this far, and we've told you what you can gain from the Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course.

It's now time to make this investment in your future . . . your chance for an unceasing return.

Both ROI and ROE!

Your opportunity to open and evolve your understanding of the skills of soft topic copywriting and apply them to Match Your Message to the Heart of Your Market.

But if you sincerely feel that this course is not right for you, we respect your decision and encourage you to stand behind it. Perhaps there'll be another time when your copywriting needs will make this course right for you.

If you're not sure and you're wavering just read what Lauren Sullivan said about what she was looking for and what she received.

Deliver My Message with Authenticity

“I have steadfastly refused to engage in hard sell tactics, yet have understood that it is vital to get the word out about my services in an effective, authentic way. Up until now, I haven't known how to do this. Your class is a godsend! I've attended many workshops and teleclasses in search of the strategies and techniques that would allow me to deliver my message with authenticity and be effective in selling my services. Your class is by far the best. ”

Lauren E. Sullivan, CPC,

Santa Barbara, CA

Now, if you are convinced that the Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course is right for you, just choose either the . . .

Single or Two-Part Payment

That way you can feel free to take advantage of this bottom-line-changing opportunity and we will make it as easy and as attractive as we can.

You can make your investment either as one full payment of only $697 or use our two-payment plan. Should you use the two-payment plan, your credit card will be charged $375 when you register and a second payment of $375 the following month.

The choice is yours.


Credit Cards

Payments Accepted

We look forward to your turning your words into persuasive value that fulfills those who need what you offer and returns to you a fee commensurate with your experience, knowledge, care and wisdom.

Because It's All in the Connection,

PS – Remember — You definitely can:

1Grab the attention of your readers and still remain credible
1Get your message across without being pushy
1Make a sincere promise that does not violate your integrity
1Create a sense of urgency without hype and phoney gimmicks
1Inspire your customers to take the action you want them to take and you know they need to take

You CAN have all that and more
You're just one click away!

PPS – And you get our exclusive two-tier guarantee:

  • A true understanding of the basics
  • A strategy to analyze what you read to determine why and how it works
  • A rock solid foundation to know what works and what doesn't so you can count on your own judgment to deliver the copy you want
  • The confidence to trust your copy to create your customer's trust
  • Plus many surprise bonuses.

AND . . .You must be completely delighted with your Soft Topic Copywriting Home Study Course or we will issue a full refund AND you get to keep the bonuses.

All you have to do is say Yes!

That Was the Missing Link

“One of the greatest gifts of the class was that you helped me to reframe how I will market, i.e. from a 'Soft Sell' perspective and that was the missing link. Thank you so much!”

Kenny Handelman,

MD., Ontario, Canada